Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 7- Lostine River Weir Facility

Lostine River Weir Facility

Joseph Field Office Supervisor- Jim Harveck brings the group over to the Lostine River Weir Facility early in the morning!- to explain what they do to the salmon passing through so early in the morning.

Lostine River Weir Facility

Fish Processing:

  • Take data to make evaluations possible
  • (left picture) scanning for tag
  • Blue box in the background of the (right picture) is what they                                            use to scan for coded wire tags

Very, veryy busy taking notes! Don't bother us! haha.

HAHA! Jayla's face! 

How they capture the salmon to process them

Lostine River

Project Leader, Fish Biologist- Peter Cleary & Jim Harveck answering everyone's questions of the site and the Hydraulic Weir project.

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