Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 7- The Late Elmer Crow

The Late Nez Perce Tribal Elder- 

Elmer Crow

Elmer spoke of Lamprey's, Eel's

  • eel- mouth, undeveloped eyes
  • no bones or scales
  • eel travels at night
  • 3-5 more nutrients in lamprey than in a 35 lbs. Salmon!
*image from:

Big Thanks to the Late Elmer Crow for sharing his feelings/thoughts of the eel, lamprey, and salmon. Thanks for sharing your stories and knowledge with us, I am very thankful that I got to meet and visit with you on our trip this year. 

"On July 26, 2013, Elmer Crow Jr. perished in the process of rescuing two of his grandsons from the Snake River at Buffalo Eddy. He died saving those he loved, at a place that he loved and in a river he loved."

~The Lewiston Morning Tribune

It was a sudden shock to hear from my grandpa Jason Redheart about the loss of the Tribal Elder, he was a respectful man who dedicated his life to preserve and teach the Nez Perce culture. I extend my heart felt sympathies on his loss.

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