Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 11- Stonerose Museum in Republic!

Stonerose Museum 

Stonerose Museum

Stonerose Fossil Center!

Travis- Thanks! for informing our group 

of what to look for! It was very exciting!

Travis again...

Brandi, Morelia, & Ari's foot? Haha!

Groups searching for rocks to crack open...

Brought back selected rocks to chisel, Ari 

is determined to get her lake bed! 

I have never been so happy to see pine needles in my entire life! The rocks on the outside have pine needle fossils, the rock in the middle is the partial fossil of a leaf! It was very hard to find these, so I am very proud of myself! It was very hot, but worth it! I had fun, that was my first time doing that!

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