Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 2 (night)- Rope Making!

Rope Making! (:

Cracking of the Tacuse

Stripping the bark, removing the wood from the bark.

Combing the bark, to make thin strips to eventually combine together to make our Rope. (long process)

Finished Product! I did not comb/have enough to make it longer, but here is my awesome bracelet that I got to make! It isn't very big, but for my first Rope Making lesson, not too shabby! (:


Rope making was such an awesome experience! I have never made my own rope before, it was a challenge, but it was awesome. This has taught me to be very patient while working with/on something. This activity has also helped me to learn of my cultural background of how to make rope from natural fibers. I was never taught this, until that night. I enjoyed learning to make rope, even though it was a challenge. 

Thank You Cia! :D 

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