Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 3- The Museum at Warm Springs

At Warm Springs

 Tour of the Twanat Trail

Shitike Creek is a haven for fish

Plants of the Twanat Trail

Fossils tell of ancient life

All of us students very interested about the information along the Twanat Trail

Stories in the Stone

Birds Thrive in the Cottonwood Grove

Home of Many Generations

 Before going on the Twanat Trail, we were provided a very delicious lunch! We had a couple of speakers. The first spoke of being selected to be chairwoman for her tribal council, and also being selected to have a meet & greet with President Obama! I thought that was very cool that she got to speak/visit briefly with him, and also represent her own tribe, and many other tribes (in a way) as well. The next speaker was studying an almost lost language. She had sat down and listened to a couple of her family members seek fluently in the language that is ceasing to exist, she is a linguist. She also works very hard on trying to teach and encourage young children to pick up on the language and become interested in learning.

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